31 October, 2007

Please Join In A Global STOP To HIV/AIDS

"AIDS is no longer a disease, it's a human rights issue" - Nelson Mandela, 2003 [46664 Concert]

Today I found out that my friend J*** has HIV. After a month or so of thinking that he had Scarlet Fever, it turns out that he is HIV positive. This has been getting to me all day since I found out about it. I'm concerned for him, I feel angry and I feel effected. I want him to be okay, I want this disease to die before it kills us all. Nobody deserves this. And while I can only hold out hope for him I am extremely let down by this news. We are too young for this and yet we are scentenced to disease and doubt. I pray for him the courage and grace to get through this. Yes our actions bring us to this diasnosis, but awareness and a fight for the cure is essentail. Somehow I feel as though our own government sits back laughing at the oppression this world is under by the affect of HIV/AIDS, I do not want my friends to die. Please ... can't we do something more?. Can't we save each other from this terror?. Please visit http://46664.com/home.php for more information on how you can help put a global STOP to HIV/AIDS and spread awareness for those who are still in the dark.

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