19 October, 2007

This is why I like him so ...

Last night I told him that I was a virgin and he didnt run. I appreciated it because I felt insecure about it. I'm 23 and I'm still a virgin. It's been a choice that I have made to remain so until I felt ready and comfortable enough with a guy to give that away. I've had my chances, I've had a few boyfriends and I could have fucked them all. But to be honest, there is something in me that knew they were not the right one. I'm not saying that I am looking for love with my virginity loss, I am simply looking to know that he won't turn all vampire on me the next morning. My stand on this has proven itself true a few times as well. The last 2 males that I have recently dated tried to get me into bed with them but I've always known the sheep from the swine. The truth is that I am big on trust, and in my personal opinion, sex is an act of trust. I don't trust too easily, so I don't put out so quickly. I am learning to trust my boyfriend, and I was really flattered and amazed by his response last night to my confession that I am still a virgin. In a single scentence he let me know that it was okay, and that I showed maturity and that he cared. So I am thankful, ever so thankful to him for that understanding and care. This is what creates trust. This is why I like him so ....

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