28 November, 2007


"A warrior is someone with the strength to stand up for what he or she believes; someone who perseveres in the face of challenges and obstacles; someone who speaks and acts in the service of an ideal; someone who protects those who are too weak to fight for themselves." -


Last night I had to confront an ugly situation head on with a friend of mine who is very jealous of my boyfriend. As I was busy with a work event and away from my cell phone, this friend of mine took my cell phone and read a text message from my boyfriend who was at my house while we were out. He was simply asking that I stop by his house to grab him a set of clothes for work today. As she read this, she took it into her power to respond with "Sure ... I'm so glad that I'm your bitch.".

By the time I got back to our table to see that she was playing with my phone, I immediatley looked into my "sent messages" folder and noticed that message which was sent to J*******. Words could not describe the anger that was going through my blood as I called him to apologize and respond to any pain or confusion that may have sent to him. What the hell was her problem?, why would she fuck with me and my boyfreind like that?. When he answered, I could tell that he was upset and confused. I told him that I loved him and that I was very upset with what had just happened. He understood, and I followed through with my word to grab his clothes on my way home.

By the time that she'd realized I was gone, I was half finished with my conversation with J****** when I got an interruptng call from A**sha who was apologizing and claiming to be so concerned. As I confronted her on the matter she tried to justify herself with "Well you and I dont talk much anymore" and I told her "Not an excuse, you have no rights to send ANY messages to ANYbody in my contact lists" and shes looking a me as though she gives a shit, when I know that she does not. Later the same conversation happened and as she tried to once again say "I didnt know he was so sensitive", I said "I don't give a shit, you don't know him and you were rude to him, in my name." I then threatened her to say "I would never text your boyfriend and say 'Hey Derek, I know what your girlfriend's been up to with another guy named Anthony". At that point she grew increadibly quiet and seemed to be terrified.

I told her that I would not do such a thing, but that her actions that evening were just as bad. Her intentions were to be rude to my boyfriend and make him think that I was being an asshole. I'm baffled and do not understand the reasoning in her mind as to what the HELL gave her the temporary right to take business into her own hands. This woman is 28 years of age and sometimes I feel as though I am more mature and respectful than she will ever be in all of her years. I mean this is bullshit ... do NOT fuck with my boyfriend or you will be cut out and called out.

This is why I have that quote above. Last night I felt the warrior take responsibility from within. I fought for my boyfriends heart as well as our relationship. I took a stand against a "friend" and asserted my position as a man to her. This was not scary nor was it intimidating. This was a matter of business, this was a matter of defense and honesty. I'm fighting to keep this relationship, I'm fighting for him, I'm fighting for me. I'm fighting for a confusion free environment. And I don't think that I need to involve myself with those who are immature enough to willfully take my identity for a moment and hurt my boyfreind. Not cool .... not cool at all.

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