When all else seems crazy in the world a Birthday comes along. And it is on this day alone that the subtle confusion of the unknown seems to control the day. It's fine when you're content but if you are wanting to feel somewhat "special" it's kinda stressful. Luckily however, I have had a great mix of messages, a few visits from friends, great emails from new ones and voicemails from family members. So today is a good day.
I was originally planning on spending it in Port____ , but plans sort of changed and now I'm going to stick it out in ___ne. Noooooo clue what to do, I kinda wanna party it up again like I ended up doing last night, but there is nobody to do that with right now. I think there is some small worry in my mind that I'll be stuck at home doing nothing and blogging on myspace or something. But rest assured I think I'll go out to eat or something nice.
Sunday I am travelling to Phoenix for Point of sales training on our new Point of sales system at work. Once again I'm more so wishing that I could stay home and maybe take five. Life's been really crazy as of late, but I'll make the most of my time networking over there and meeting the managers from across America. This course was originally intended for the manager's only, but being that my boss is leaving the company, I'm being sent [along with my co-worker who's abscent this week @ training] for this class.
The last time I was there, I nearly got myself fired, which was kind of a sick, sad and annoying story in itself, but I got myself through it and look where I am today .... booked to go back on Sunday [AH!]. Maybe it'll be good to go, maybe it'll be a good break from the norm. I do know it's going to be HOTTER THAN FUCK out there !. August in Arizona -- OH yeah not my idea of cool in the shade !. So to wrap it up, I'm still in my office an hour after work, I was supposed to get a ride home, I'm kinda trying to not think ill thoughts here but I'm also going "Okay .... do I have to healm all the plans here?". It's okay :) I'm fine and happy to be honest .... it's just when I'm off of work on my birthday - I dont really feel like stickin around here if ya know what I mean ?.
But beyond all else I would like to reflect upon the fact that I have people who care about me and for that I am thankful and happy to have this day to celebrate. I've recieved flowers and calls and emails and ... I think I said a lot of this above, but I want to emphasise my thanks and gratitude to all those who made me feel unique and special today. Thank you :).
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