12 July, 2007

Cotton Warrior

I'm inspired too often by others and not often enough inspired by my own self, and this is why I am sick in the head and sad in the soul. I dont want to be me inside today. I want to be serious, boring and drab for a moment. But I'm intimidated by what people will really see inside of me, so I opt for the funnies and everyone loves [or hates] me for it. I'm the "funny guy" in every situation, and half the time it makes me look like an idiot which I am not. Sometimes I feel like people after people meet me [or visa vera] there is a "human review" which takes place inside all of our minds.

I think that people are so delicate and, we put so much into protecting ourselves from harm. If it werent for us harming one another so often, perhaps we would not feel the need to be so guarded, fake, hard, or insecure. Perhaps if we didnt feel the pressures of work, life, religion and faith to be "perfect" we would not kill each other's spirit. I love my spirit, It's pure and naieve and special and beautiful -- but it's not universal. Why don't I feel the connection of souls between those I meet and those I desire ?. I'm losing patience, I take this seriously. I am frustrated with people for their lack of openness to the spirit and the lack of celebration and supporting each other. All we ever do is put ourselves and others down. We dont love, we dont even know how to. We live in a hate filled dmension. I want to leave it - and live on an island in the myst with artists, thinkers, and a supporting cast ..... I'm so tired of always falling short, or having others fall short of my offerings. And so in the end I come to terms. I come to peace with the fact that I am now a cotton warrior.

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