01 July, 2007


"Okay now we're going to issue your card" said the teller. "Thanks" said I, walking toward the American flag back drop for my Costco card ID. "Okay the look you have on your face now is what's going on your card" he said as I thought to myself "Suck in your cheeks". Snap, bang .... done and I look fucking horrid. Like a chubby child on riddaline. I am so fed up with how out of control my eating habits are. I have a horribly unhealthy relationship with food. I use it to fill in the blank moments, the bad moments and the ugly thoughts. I use the "well I've gone this far so I may as well ...." approach to my present eating habits; which support the fattening habits of last night, yesterday and last month. So far 2007 is not looking to be a successful year in weight management / loss for myself. Not like 2005 .... what the hell did I do in 2005 ?. I can't even remember it. I did a lot of starving and eating non protein products. I think protien is bad for you -- it creates bulk and thickness where we dont want it; the arms the butt and the chest. No good for me ..... no good at all.

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