14 September, 2007

Strictly Buisness

Let's take a look at the situation here, I want to kick your ass and you want me out of the office; it's nearly as simple as that. Well with the inclusion of me wanting YOU out of the office as well. But the thing is that if we are both to be "Professionals", it would appear as though we've got to treat each other with a dose of respect . . . OH I'M SORRY :) you don't have any of that in you hon. I forgot that you only have abour 24% within you to respect others. Maybe outside of the workplace you'd be somebody easier to hang with, but I'd never really care to anyways .. so I guess we are stuck in the office together until you are either fired or I decide to resign.

It's been hell since day one and I always knew that you would make my life a living hell for nabbing the front desk. Ya see it's never been about respect between you and I [or at least on your end]. I've tried my damn near best to keep your anger at bay, I've internalized a lot of your insult and I've even allowed you to say and do some pretty fucked up and rude things to me. So in the end, if we are to argue about the things I said to you yesterday; hows about we just call me justified. No names to call .... strictly buisness Bitch ;)

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