11 September, 2007

Pain and Pride : The Root of all Jealousy.

Jealousy, it is perhaps one of the most unattractive sides to a relationship, friendship or companionship. The base ingredient is insecurity, the flour is mixed in with naive obsession, and the yeast is so sticky that it suffocates and destroys all who find themselves in this sad mix. The icing on the sweet causes poisoning and though you believe that it's all going to blow over, and you'll get your way ... you have just consumed your own toxin, one which leaves you all alone and keeps others away from you because this poison is contagious.

Such a recipe for relationships always ends in destruction, and it is through our pain and pride that we end up sticking through with it. The pain asks us to distance outselves away from the object of our affection, or the friend we love, and the pride commands us to continue hurting those we once trusted. This alone means that we create an environment for the pain to continue and the pride to feed the pain. Two such components can only destroy the innocence of the human spirit; as delicate and soft as it is.

But that's what makes it so easy to lash out, we are fearful of being pierced in the wrong way. Nobody wants their vulnerability to be taken advantage of and that is why we become jealous. We fear the moment when our emotions are put as second best to anybody else's needs, and in effect we create an irrational world that exsists only within our mind. We create reasons for why it must be that 'He did not look at me the same way that he did last night', or accusations against our mates toward what it 'really was that you were doing last night'. The sad truth about jealousy is that we admire the object of our affection so much that we fail to admire ourselves in the process.

Thus we must take a look at the importance of communication, and the value of a relationship. Jealousy does not make the victim right, for pain causes suffering in all who are affected by the host. But if we are attentive to the voice within and we do not deny ourselves the proper communication to stand against anything out of the ordainary within the lines of communication, hopefully two beings will learn to trust each other enough not to fall into jealousy and in doing so, we surrender our will to accept the mate in question. So in conclusion, if one were to ask "what makes a relationship successful", it could be of suggestion that surrender and trust are two of the most powerful components within the chemistry of a succsessful relationhip.

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